Think On Your Feet – Power Presentation Workshop

    Techniques to Present Ideas with Clarity, Brevity, and Impact

  • We blend traditional reasoning techniques with the latest skills in communication
  • You learn how structured thinking turns nervousness into energy. You learn the art and science of speaking convincingly and confidently, without relying on notes
  • By concentrating on what is in your listener’s mind, Think on Your Feet – Power Presentation gives you a simple, handy system for making a lot more sense to a lot more people
  • Objectives

    At the completion of the workshop, participants will be able to do the following

  • Structure ideas simply and persuasively
  • Answer questions quickly and coherently, especially when under fire
  • Avoid information overload – condense your thoughts
  • Flesh-out ideas with memorable examples
  • Avoid common communication traps
  • Handle objections positively
  • Deal with hostile situations
  • Use “bridging” strategies to clarify questions, defuse issues and buy time
  • Workshop materials
  • Participants receive a Workshop Manual. It contains a synopsis of the Think on Your Feet – Power Presentation techniques – plus examples, worksheets, checklists, and memory-jogging reference cards.

    Core Program

    The Think on Your Feet – Power Presentation workshop begins with quick coherent thinking – the bedrock of communication – and ends with dramatically sharpening skills to communicate more convincingly. The workshop provides all-purpose strategies for organising your ideas, and shows how to match your message to your audience.



    The core program is a workshop revolving around practice, coaching and feedback. Participants will be asked to come prepared with questions they commonly hear, issues they confront, and specific subjects that they need to present clearly. The program will blend traditional reasoning techniques with the latest skills in oral communication.

    Participants will learn how structured thinking turns nervousness into energy. They will learn the art and science of speaking convincingly and confidently, without relying on notes.

    By concentrating on what is in the listener’s mind, Think on Your Feet – Power Presentation gives them a simple, handy system for making a lot more sense to a lot more people.

    For Whom

    Think on Your Feet – Power Presentation is designed for anyone concerned about communications, including senior executives, managers, sales and marketing professionals, technical specialists, financial analyst, public affairs experts, and training professional. Anyone who needs to be clear, convincing and memorable when speaking to others. Anyone who doesn’t relish the idea of speaking in public, dealing with difficult questions, or being put on the spot. Anyone who needs to demonstrate good leadership qualities, to convince and persuade others, to be seen and acknowledge as a leader.

    Trainer: Daniel Choo, DTM

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